Happy holidays!


Here’s our last newsletter for this school year. See below for a summary of our latest fundraising, our various plans for next year, as well as an update on the new library, and Mr Bubbles’ visit.

Please note that our AGM will be on Friday 22 September at 9am. We’re always looking for new Committee members and class reps (and we’re also looking for a Nursery Class rep if you know any families starting next year) Our class reps for next year are: Reception: Rob Y1: Magnus & Émilie Y2: Aifric Y3: Caroline & Léa Y4: Gill & Nicola Y5: Chog & Megan Y6: Tom & Lizzie

In the past few weeks we raised over £350 with the Year 6 ice lolly sales; and around £50 with the Book sale. We also raised over £3,000 for the end-of-year staff gift – thank you all.

A big thank you also to all staff leaving Grasmere this year – we really wish you could stay and are so sorry to see you leave! And best of luck to the Year 6 children and their families (especially the FROGS who helped so much over the last few years – thank you again).

Mr Bubbles

We spent £300 on fun workshops with Mr Bubbles for the whole school as an end-of-year treat from FROGS – we hope your children enjoyed it.

GRASMERE’s NEW library

This year we spent around £1,000 setting up the library in a new space at the heart of the school. There was a lot of books to sort out, not to mention a delay in the delivery of the shelves, but everything is now ready and the children will be able to enjoy it and borrow books to take home from September. Huge thanks to all the volunteers who helped move the books, and sort them and label them!

next year

Next year we will be working on the Reading Room, which is situated on the first floor just above the library. It will be a cosy space with armchairs, books and audiobooks – a place to have a chat, read or listen to music.

We’ve also lots of exciting plans for next year, including getting Grasmere cooking, and plenty of events in the calendar – thank you to everyone who has volunteered to organise something already. The more events we do, the more money for the school, the more fun for the kids!

Friday 8 September, 9am: Coffee morning for new parents (FROGS & school)

Friday 22 September, 9am: FROGS AGM (Committee)

Friday 29 September, evening: Garden party for parents only (Nicola)

Saturday 7 October 10.30-12.30: Jumble sale (Lea & Jay)

TBC Monday 30 October: Twilight Halloween trail and/or autumn raffle
> We need a volunteer to help organise a trail around the area with some clues, or organise a autumn raffle, or both! Please get in touch if you can help, thank you!

Friday 3 November, from 3.30pm: Disco & Bonfire night/Diwali (Jenny, Sally)
> We need a volunteer to organise the campfire and outdoor side of the event. Please get in touch if you can help, thank you!

TBC Friday 8 December, 3.30-5pm: Winter Fair
> We need 2 volunteers to organise this event (stalls including kitchen are ran by various year groups so it would be mostly organising layout & Santa’s grotto). Please get in touch if you can help, thank you!

Friday 26 January, from 3.30pm: Cinema night (Caroline, Nicola)

Tuesday 27 February, 7.30pm: Pub quiz (Nicky, Andrew & Karen)

February, school time: Yoga/mental health workshop for Children’s Mental Health Week (Nat)

Saturday 16 March, 10.30-12.30: Jumble sale (Lea & Jay)

March, school time: World Book Day & Science Week Workshops, TBC

Wednesday 27 March, school time: Easter Egg hunt (Jay & Nicola, Gill)

TBC April: International Evening, TBC. A day where kids bring bread from their country to class, and we have a spring feast after school (would be after Ramadan too)
> We need 1 or 2 volunteers to organise this event

May, school time: Beatbox workshops after the exams (Nicola)

TBC Friday 14 June, from 3.30: Enterprise fair
> We need 1 or 2 volunteers to organise this event

Saturday 13th July: Summer fair (Megan & Sally)

July, school time: Mr Bubbles (Nicola)

Our big fundraising events couldn’t happen with lots and lots of volunteers. We are a very small school, and we need all the help we can get (around 60 volunteers per event) to run the fairs and jumble sales.

Please save the dates, and look out for our volunteer sign up sheets nearer the time, to help us raise money for the school.

If you’d like to know more about what is involved in running an event, please email us any questions and queries (frogs.grasmere@gmail.com).

Thank you and have a lovely summer!