Happy Easter break!


In this newsletter you will find information about our last three events, the Year 2 Cake sale, Jumble sale and the annual Easter Egg Hunt; as well as our plans for the Summer Term, including the details of our next FROGS meeting and upcoming volunteer days.

Year 2 cake Sale

Thank you to all Year 2 bakers and sellers; we raised over £268.60 with our cake sale which took place both on Friday (under the rain) and on Monday (after the KS2 recital). Amazing result!

The next cake sale is the Year 1 Cake Sale on Friday 28 April.


Thank you to all who donated, sorted and helped at the Jumble sale, we raised £1,444.74 for the school and helped the community recycle and reuse – well done everyone!

Kitchen: £221.40
Adult Clothes: £213.33
Children Clothes: £200.10
Books: £209.62
Toys: £278.25
Bric à brac: £174.69
Books sold online: £102.35
Leftover clothes collection: £45

The next jumble sale will be in October 2023, but we are hoping to have a small stall at the Summer Fair for books, children’s summer clothes/accessories and outdoor/summer toys etc.


Thank you so much for all your donations – and a big thank you to Waitrose Holloway who kindly donated over 600 small Lindt eggs! – we collected almost 4,000 eggs in total. This was enough for the whole school, including some eggs for teachers and staff; as well as lots of chocolate goodie bags for all our pupil premium families. And a big thank you of course to our team of Easter bunnies who volunteered to organise this lovely event.


We’ve lots of great things planned for this term, including paying for a visiting farm and circus workshops for the whole school, organising a party after Sports day, as well as cake sales, ice lolly sales and the Summer Fair on 8 July. Each year group also usually also organises end-of-year picnics in the last couple of weeks (we often all end up in Butterfield Green on the same day!).

Our three big projects due to be completed this year are:
• the new library (we are waiting for some shelves to be delivered to do this)
• paint the KS2 walls and install a traverse climbing wall (just confirming the design of the mural)
• tidying up the garden including planting, new sheds and bin, and a revamped mud kitchen

For all these we will need your help, so please look out for our messages about volunteering days after the break. As ever, many hands make light work.

We’ve not received enough tea towel self-portraits to be able to do this project yet, but we will check with the school if they can get the children to do this at some point during schooltime.

Our next meeting is at 8pm on Wednesday 19 April via Zoom, details to follow via class reps.

Thank you and take care,